Friday, December 7, 2012

A Message from Kim Bobo

It's been a tough year for workers, and our work here at Interfaith Worker Justice is more crucial now than ever. Our economy is still a mess, and workers often bear the load of hardships as employers cut costs and corners to maintain profits.

Together with our affiliates across the country and people of faith like you, IWJ is advocating for real changes in the lives of workers. As we look to the work in 2013, we need your continued advocacy, prayers and financial support!

Click here to contribute to IWJ and the important work lifting up the needs of workers.

Your gift helps build capacity on the ground in communities across the country. This year, we've welcomed three new interfaith groups and two new worker centers into IWJ's affiliate network.

These new affiliates and the rest of the network are doing vital work, providing workers the space to come together and learn about and advocate for their rights. They are connecting with local, state and national efforts and are leading (and winning) local campaigns to stop wage theft.

You are helping to bring worker issues to the national agenda! If you haven't made a year-end contribution to IWJ, click here to donate now.

With your support, we can strengthen our work challenging corporate giants like Walmart and Hyatt that drive down standards for all workers. Just last month, people of faith organized nearly 100 prayer vigils and solidarity actions at Walmart stores across the country telling Walmart executives that they support better wages and working conditions for striking store and warehouse workers.

Click here to give to IWJ. The first ten respondents who contribute a gift of $250 or more will receive a free copy of IWJ Board Member Joseph McCartin's book about the strike that changed America.

Together we can shape a more fair and just economy for all workers!

In the spirit of giving,

Kim Bobo

P.S. Together we need to lift up the needs of workers, and as many Christians reflect during this advent season, I urge you to remember our working brothers and sisters. Click here to check out IWJ's advent reflection series.

P.P.S. Click here to give to IWJ. Your gift helps IWJ develop resources and reflections for people of faith and their congregations that lift up the needs of workers.