Interfaith Worker Justice (IWJ)
History and Vision. IWJ has been a leader in the fight for economic and worker justice in the United States since 1996. It envisions the religious community, acting on its values in creative and strategic ways, as a powerful leader in creating and sustaining a nation where all workers share in the prosperity of society, enjoy the fundamental human right to organize, and lead dignified lives as a result labor.
The Work of Organizing. IWJ organizers work to mobilize people of faith and work advocates in support of economic justice and worker rights at the local, state and national levels. Today there are more than 70 affiliated organizations in the IWJ network, including a variety of interfaith groups and more than two dozen worker centers. More groups form every year.
The Work of Educating. The IWJ policy department is the nation's leading producer of interfaith resources and materials to help inspire and inform people on worker and economic justice issues. Congregations across the nation rely on IWJ to provide worship and educational resources for both special and everyday events that draw people into the movement for worker justice.
The Work of Advocating. IWJ is on the ground in Washington, D.C., working with partners and allies to influence the national conversation on our core issues: Wage theft, Jobs, Paid Sick Days and Workplace Standards, and protecting the right of workers to stick together in Labor Unions. But IWJ is also at work, with and through our affiliates, to pass pro-worker legislation at the local and state level. And, with a growing network of E-Advocates working to influence both government and corporate policies, the IWJ voice just keeps getting stronger.
IWJ Kansas
David P. Hansen, Director IWJ Kansas |
The work of IWJ Kansas is directed the Rev. David P. Hansen, Ph.D., a minister of the United Church of Christ.
Why What We Do Matters
We put our faith into action by promoting respect, standing for justice and resisting unethical practices in the workplace.
We help build strong families and a vibrant community by advocating for living wages.
We support ethical employers and fair taxation by fighting against wage theft.
We encourage worker advancement and invigorate democracy by championing education.
What We Value
- The dignity of work
- The right to earn a living wage
- The right to worker benefits
- The right of workers to organize
- The right of workers to have a voice
- The exercise of moral responsibility
- The growth of respect and understanding
What We Offer
- Opportunities for leadership in the fight for social justice
- Action-focused educational resources for congregational use
- Support for constructive partnerships among faith communities
- Ways to engage with labor, community leaders and others in support of workplace justice
When You Become a Member
When you join IWJ, you become a member of the nation’s largest network of people of faith engaging in local and national actions to improve wages, benefits and conditions for workers, especially those in the low-wage economy.
You share in the joy of building a justice seeking community that brings together faith congregations and labor organizations.
You unite with other persons of faith to advocate for worker justice in the state legislature and in Congress.
You receive training that will help your faith community participate in the national IWJ Labor in the Pulpit/on the Bimah/in the Minbar worship service on Labor Day weekend.
You have opportunities to hone your skills as a mobilizer for justice and mediator for workplace fairness. . . . and much more!
Contact us today to join our cause.