The 99 percent need a raise, and on July 24, groups and activits will join together and call for a raise in the federal minimum wage. July 24 also marks the date when the minimum wage was last raised three years ago.
While millions struggle to live on $7.25 and hour, CEO pay has increased by 725 percent during the last 30 years. Low-wage workers aren’t benefitting from tax cuts to the rich that are supposed to trickle down. It’s time to demand an increase to minimum wage.
OUR TARGETS: We will take dramatic action to call on key targets to support raising the minimum wage. The targets include:
- Low-wage employers owned by Bain Capital, such as Dunkin Donuts, Toys-R-Us and Outback Steakhouse.
- Big national low-wage employers like Walmart, Target and McDonalds and regional low-wage employers where workers are already organizing.
- Members of Congress and presidential candidates
- Our best messengers will be low-wage workers who make less than $10 an hour and community members who are sick of tax cuts for the rich that are supposed to trickle down and believe the best way to improve the economy is from the bottom up.
- Try to have low-wage workers confront politicians or management directly with their personal stories, and force them to explain why they don’t support raising the minimum wage.
- Consider the best way to “occupy” a low-wage workplace for a while.
- A champion could “walk a day” in the shoes of a minimum wage worker, or try to shop in a supermarket with the small food budget of a low-wage worker.
Source: Interfaith Worker Justice